Wednesday morning saw the conference ride, oddly timed for morning peak hour. Our Dutch visitors showed their views on helmet compulsion by wearing orange clogs instead of helmets.

Thursday morning heard three presentations on mandatory helmet law at the conference, including Prof Chris Rissel (University of Sydney), Ian Ker (Perth, CATALYST) and Michael Bridge, General Manager, Bicycle SA whose main point was that “we can’t change helmet law so we may as well love helmets” – so much for an advocacy organisation that doesn’t dare suggest changes.

Thursday evening was the Helmet Optional Ride organised by Freestyle Cyclists. Adelaide turned on sunny weather, cooperative police and a good turnout of locals and conference delegates, including Mikael (@copenhagenize), Herbert Tiemens (Utrecht), and Klaus Bondam (Director, Danish Cyclists Federation). Also with us, from Australia, Prof Chris Rissel.

Media before the ride included The Herald Sun (which also carried the RAA survey which found that 27% of their members would ride more if helmet law were repealed); The Australian quoting Janette Sadik-Khan saying “better infrastructure, not helmet laws, had improved safety,” and Al Jazeera TV.

Media on the day included ABC Radio National DriveChannel 7 news, Radio 5aa, News Ltd and more (send us more links if you find them).

The pre-publicity of the ride was very well organised, including the flyer by Will Matthews, who made this film:


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